
Australia said on Tuesday it planned to introduce legislation this year to ban children from using social media platforms, citing the risks it could pose to physical and mental health.



Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said his government would begin an age verification trial over the next few months.

"I want to see kids off their devices and onto the footy fields and the swimming pools and the tennis courts. We want them to have real experiences with real people because we know that social media is causing social harm."



马利诺斯卡斯称, 将与联邦政府密切合作实施这项禁令,此举将受到全国家长的欢迎。

"The evidence shows early access to addictive social media is causing our kids harm," Malinauskas said in support of the federal government’s move.

"This is no different to cigarettes or alcohol. When a product or service hurts children, governments must act. We will work closely with the commonwealth to implement this ban, which will be welcomed by parents across the country."


澳大利亚内阁在对防止家暴战略进行快速审查后发现,儿童接触网络色情内容会导致他们将侮辱性和攻击性行为 “视为正常”。 因此,对社媒用户设置年龄限制成为公众关注焦点。

Age restrictions have been in the spotlight after national cabinet's rapid review of strategies to prevent domestic violence found children's access to free porn online had "normalized" degrading and aggressive behaviors.